Cybersecurity NAICS Codes Maybe Coming Soon

Cybersecurity NAICS Codes Maybe Coming Soon

Cybersecurity NAICS Codes Lobbying On February 9, 2016, President Obama announced that $19B should be placed in the 2017 budget for cybersecurity. Being a Cybersecurity SMB this seemed like a dream come true, but having already been on the GSA Schedule for almost...
Password Managers – Not all the same

Password Managers – Not all the same

Know your Password Manager Last week the cybersecurity industry was a buzz about the Boston-based company LogMeIn, Inc purchasing LastPass for $125M. In the different news articles some interesting facts were quoted:  Only 10 percent of knowledge workers today...
You Need Password Authentication Infrastructure

You Need Password Authentication Infrastructure

Every day I read another post, hear another news story, or have another conversation that passwords are insecure and that PKI and digital certificates must replace passwords. Comparing passwords to certificates, or PKI, is not correct because: A passwords is a single...